Tuesday, November 6, 2012

It’s Times Like This, I Know I’m Not Alone

Woke up. Woke up earlier than necessary. Had to get dressed, made up, and packed up for work today because it wasn’t a normal work day: it’s Election Day! 

I’ve heard OCD described as the doubting disease, and I know for me it’s all about check-check-checking. I check my bank statements, I check locks, I check the stove, I check my to-do list at work. And they can’t just be looked over; they have to be frantically and constantly reviewed. This usually elicits concern from my husband and annoyance from the friends who notice these things, but today is one of those days where I see a little bit of this frenetic energy coming out from everyone. 

Elections bring out the worst and the crazy in people. I can attest to this primarily based on my time on the Tim Kaine for Governor Campaign back in 2005. There was plenty of crazy to go around—from loyal democrats trying to give me various personal belongings, to equally loyal republicans trying to shoo me off their porches with their rifles. But it’s Election Day after the polls close when the obsessive/compulsive tendencies really start to take the stage. 

I don’t know for sure, I have no data, but I’ll bet you, too, are watching at least three different projection tracking sources and listening to live streaming coverage on the TV, online, or maybe both. I’m so excited, I love elections, and thank you for joining me in the incessant watching!!

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